South Dakota Game Fish & Parks
Rapid City . SD | $12 Million | 50,000 sq. ft. | Completion 2011
Placed on 32 acres of land, the Outdoor Campus houses a discovery and learning center, outdoor learning spaces and South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks offices, labs and shops. The Outdoor Campus’ mission is to provide education about outdoor skills, wildlife, conservation and management practices of the SDGFP. The ARC International Design Team created a plan that expresses the values and vision of the GFP through a functional design that greatly enhances their work as they strive to fulfill their mission.
The SDGFP Outdoor Campus was awarded LEED Gold certification from the US Green Building Council. Utilizing a broad range of credits, the features of the site helped to contribute to the team’s sustainable design solutions, such as geothermal heating and cooling systems, bike/pedestrian access, expanded open space and restored habitat. Interior sustainable design solutions include individual lighting and temperature controls, a wide range of recycled content materials, clear views and extensive use of daylight and water efficient fixtures. Both the Owner and Design Team focused on conservation tie-ins with material recycling, use of regional materials and land conservation as a starting point for the LEED strategy.